World Down Syndrome Day is held every year on March 21 to raise awareness and advocate for the rights, inclusion, and wellbeing of people with Down syndrome. For the 13th time in Georgia, this important day was recognized with a campaign aimed at increasing public awareness about the rights of people with Down syndrome.
On March 14-15, the Georgian Down Syndrome Association (GDSA), with support from the USAID Civil Society Engagement Program, held a medical conference focused on increasing access to and improving health services for people with Down syndrome. The conference was attended by government representatives, the diplomatic corps, the medical community, and civil society. Self-advocates from within the Down syndrome community led the conference.
Conference speakers shared the latest information on the management of the health of people with Down syndrome and presented new clinical guidelines, which were updated with the support of the Program. The new guidelines were also discussed by American doctors, who shared their experience with the attendees. The second day of the conference was devoted to discussions around the reproductive health and sexual education of people with Down syndrome.
GDSA is also working to empower self-advocates within the Down syndrome community. With support from the Program, GDSA has trained young people with Down syndrome in public speaking and equipped them with a better understanding of their rights. On March 21, these self-advocates put their training to use and made speeches at the Human Rights Protection and Civil Integration Committee of the Parliament of Georgia. They spoke about the healthcare needs of people with Down syndrome, problems related to independent living, access to employment and education, and challenges faced by women with Down syndrome.