Ongoing Grants

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Innovation and Challenge Grants Program

  1. The Documentary Association Georgia (DOCA) – using the medium of documentaries to engage citizens in discussing important societal issues. Project budget – $ 29,797. Project duration: 1 March 2024 – 28 February 2025.
  2. Animal Project – reducing abuse of stray animals by enhancing the knowledge of activists and concerned citizens. Project budget – $ 29,548. Project duration: 15 March – 15 September 2024.
  3. 27+1 – increasing support for the European Union among young people in Georgia. Project budget: $ 9,944.60. Project duration: 1 March – 31 August 2024.
  4. Center for Civic Activities – advocating for citizens’ enhanced access to public services in the mountainous regions of Georgia. Project budget – $ 29,873. Project duration: 1 March – 31 August 2024.
  5. Urban Design and Heritage Laboratory – promoting sustainable urban development in Tbilisi. Project budget – $ 29,254; Project duration: 1 March – 31 December 2024.
  6. The Professional Union of Science, Education and Culture Workers of Georgia – developing the vision for increasing transparency and efficiency of management of scientific and museum institutions in Georgia. Project budget – $ 30,000. Project duration: 1 April – 30 September, 2024
  7. Childhood Cancers and Superheros – Advocacy for improving the quality of life of children with cancer. Project duration: 1 November, 2023 – 30 June, 2024. Project budget: $ 27,000.
  8. Virtual Academy of Democracy – Monitoring large infrastructure projects in Georgia.  Project duration: 6 October, 2023 – 6 August, 2024. Project budget: $ 30,000.
  9. The Georgian Down Syndrome Association – advocacy for adequate healthcare services for people with Down syndrome. Project duration: 1 August 2023 – 30 June 2024. Project budget: $ 30,000.
  10.  Youth for Democratic Changes – supporting young people in Ninotsminda and Akhalkalaki in addressing local problems. Project duration: 1 August 2023 – 31 July 2024. Project budget: $ 26,487.80.
  11. Salam Platform – empowering ethnic minority youth in Kvemo Kartli to get engaged in public processes. Project duration: 1 August 2023 – 30 June, 2024. Project budget: $ 29,807,60.
  12.  Marina Meskhi (civic activist) – Advocacy for better transport conditions in Vashlijvari district (Tbilisi) through community mobilization, creative campaigns, and advocacy efforts. Project duration: March 15, 2023 – July 15, 2024. Project budget: $ 25,000.


Strategic Support and Policy Grants (SSPG) program

  1. Guild – advancing the protection of social and labor rights, with a particular focus on the arts and culture sector. Project duration: 15 May 2024 – 15 November 2025. Project budget: $ 76,124.
  2.  Parents for Education –enhancing the governance of public schools and elevating the quality of school education in Georgia by empowering parents to participate in school decision-making processes. Project duration: 1 June 2024 – 30 September 2025. Project budget: $ 75,099.
  3. Social Justice Center – evaluation of the Targeted Social Assistance Program and its impact on family welfare. Using the data gathered from the research, the organization will identify possible systemic problems in the program and develop essential recommendations to improve it. In addition to research, the organization will conduct strategic litigation by bringing individual cases to administrative bodies or the courts. Project duration: 26 September, 2022 – 26 July, 2024. Project budget  – $ 99,500.
  4. Center for Civil Integration and Inter-ethnic Relations (CCIIR) will study the “New School Model,” which is currently being piloted in 600 schools in Georgia. CCIIR will evaluate the program using desk research, content analysis, focus groups, interviews with teachers, and observations of the study process. The project also envisions awareness-raising and advocacy campaign to address the challenges and opportunities of the New School Model. Project duration: 26 September, 2022 – 26 September, 2024. Project budget  – $ 99,000.


Strategic Communications Grants

  1. Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association – Strengthening the role and importance of Georgian election-observation organizations in democratic processes. Project budget – USD 49,995. Project duration – April 1 – July 31, 2024