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Breaking News Highlights Publications

Overview – The Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence and Its Impact on Non-entrepreneurial (Non- commercial) Legal Entities and Media Organizations in Georgia

The Parliament of Georgia has adopted the Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence, and it was signed into law on June 3. The law requires non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) legal entities (NNLEs)


Resource Mobilization Guidebook for CSOs, CBOs and Initiative Groups

Guidebook on the Mobilization of Financial Resources for Non-commercial, Non-governmental Organizations and Initiative Groups provides a broad menu of resource mobilization approaches available to CSOs in Georgia. The guide discusses practices


Analysis of the Law of Georgia “On Introducing Amendments to the Law of Georgia on Broadcasting”

On October 19, 2023, the Georgian Parliament adopted the Law of Georgia “On Introducing Amendments to the Law of Georgia ‘On Broadcasting’” rough an accelerated procedure. The Law expands the

Breaking News Publications

Analysis of the Law “On Introducing Amendments to the Law of Georgia ‘On Assemblies and Manifestations’”

On October 5, 2023, the Parliament of Georgia adopted the Law of Georgia “On Introducing Amendments to the Law of Georgia ‘On Assemblies and Manifestations’” through accelerated procedure. This law

Highlights Publications

The Review of the [second] Draft Law of Georgia on Registration of Foreign Agents and On Amendments to the Criminal Code of Georgia

The review of the draft law of Georgia “On Registration of Foreign Agents and On Amendments to the Criminal Code of Georgia”. The document is available here.

Highlights Publications

Analysis of the Draft Law of Georgia on Transparency of Foreign Influence

Comparative analysis of the draft Law of Georgia on Transparency of Foreign Influence (the Draft Law) regarding its compliance with international law and European standards (Analysis).  The analysis was prepared

Highlights Publications

The Ecosystem of Online Giving and Donation-based Crowdfunding in Georgia

The USAID Civil Society Engagement Program conducted the research on online giving and donation-based crowdfunding practices in Georgia. The assessment focuses on two main forms of online giving in Georgia:

Highlights Publications

Assessment of the Legal Environment for CSO Financial Sustainability and Philanthropy in Georgia

With the goal of identifying gaps and good practices and improving the legal environment for CSO sustainability, the USAID Civil Society Engagement Program commissioned the assessment of the legal environment

Breaking News Publications

Championing Children’s Rights in the pre-and-post Election Period

Although numerous studies highlight significant problems and challenges in the child wellbeing system in Georgia, these topics rarely get prioritized by politicians. In order to bring these problems to the

Breaking News Highlights Publications

Legal Analysis and Recommendations on Government’s Decree #286 (On Compensations for Citizens who lost Income due to Pandemic)

The Network of Centers for Civic Engagement (NCCE) continues to provide consultations to citizens in 10 cities of Georgia on how to receive unemployment pay-outs, social assistance and agricultural support