Foster partnerships among civic actors and between civic actors and other sectors

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In order to foster partnerships between CSOs, new civic actors, private sector actors, academia, and the media in Georgia to build trust among these key actors, the Program will carry out various initiatives, including:

CSO Bus Tours will bring CSO leaders to remote and underserved communities to identify citizen’s concerns and partner with other stakeholders to follow on and address these issues. They will expand civic discussions and citizen engagement activities from Tbilisi and regional centers to remote communities.

CSO Learning Circles will support small learning groups composed of new civic actors and CSOs to meet periodically to debate on unifying as well as divisive issues affecting the Georgian civil society and learn from each other and/or invited trainers and experts.

In-country exchange visits for CSOs and new civic actors working on similar thematic issues, as well as fellowships for junior and mid-level civic activists and CSO managers in Tbilisi-based CSOs to foster meaningful experience exchange and potential joint actions.

Networking and exchange visits with Eastern European counterparts will bring to bear the power of international organizations and advocacy groups to advance policy reforms that Georgian new civic actors and CSOs are pushing for.

Annual Pause and Reflect Workshops will bring together new civic actors and CSOs, as well as relevant actors from public institutions, the private sector, the media, academia, and development partners to review the key successes and challenges in supporting local civic activism and sectoral reforms.

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