The East-West Management Institute (EWMI) Advancing CSO Capacities and Engaging Society for Sustainability (ACCESS) project is pleased to announce the Public Policy and Accountability Grants (PPAG) program aimed at addressing urban development issues and supporting transparent and accountable governance.
Projects may envisage research, monitoring, advocacy, awareness-raising and citizen mobilization on most pressing urban issues, such as: public transport, traffic, parking, air pollution, green spaces, architecture/cultural heritage, constructions, etc.
Georgian CSOs, CSO coalitions or coalitions between CSOs, citizen groups, activists, journalists, researchers and/or the media are welcome to submit project proposals. EWMI ACCESS plans to award 3 projects (with a maximum budget of 40,000 USD each).
Deadline for submitting project proposals is April 7, 2018.
Detailed information about the program and the application form can be found on the links below.
PPAG RfA_Attachment B – Budget Template