Meeting Place in Dmanisi

Meeting Place in Dmanisi

With support from the USAID Civil Society Engagement Program, the Dmanisi-based CSO has implemented various cultural and educational initiatives within the municipality, including theatrical performances, movie screenings, and other activities that offer citizens an opportunity to engage in open discussions about local issues.

In parallel to these events, the project’s organizers will soon start construction of a cultural-educational space called the Meeting Place in Dmanisi city. The space will offer residents the opportunities and services they currently lack, such as informal educational sessions and trainings, theater performances and movie screenings on important social topics, a library, and a social café. The Meeting Place will be open to people of all ages and social and ethnic groups to receive and share knowledge, make new friends, and become actively involved in the identification and solution of local problems.

More than half of the funds (approximately 10,000 GEL) for construction of the Meeting Place were raised though public donations. The crowdfunding campaign reached maximum supporters once it was promoted through an Orbelian Meti crowdfunding platform. The initiative will get an additional 8,000 GEL in match funding from the USAID Civil Society Engagement Program.

Categories: Breaking News

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