Presentation of Research on Small-Scale Farmer’s Needs and Awareness

Presentation of Research on Small-Scale Farmer’s Needs and Awareness

On July 26th, at 12:00-14:00, at Rooms Hotel Tbilisi, (14 Merab Kostava St.) the Economic Policy Research Center (EPRC) will present findings of the Research on Small-Scale Farmer’s Needs and Awareness.

The report focuses on the needs of primary producers of agricultural products and small-scale processing enterprises, challenges and problems they are currently facing, and how they understand the product distribution channels and the usage of various agricultural services. The paper studies  means of production used by the small-scale producers and their knowledge on Georgia’s preferential trade regimes, as well as their awareness about specific requirements incurred by EU’s Association Agreement.

Within the frames of the research 500 small-scale producers and processing agricultural enterprises were surveyed in 5 regions of Georgia.

Policy Recommendations for central and local governments in order to boost competitiveness of the Georgian agricultural producers are also provided in the report.

The study was prepared by the Economic Policy Research Center (EPRC) in the framework of The East-West Management Institute’s (EWMI) Advancing CSO Capacities and Engaging Society for Sustainability (ACCESS) project-“EU’s Association Agreement for increasing Competitiveness of Georgian Agriculture” funded by United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

 The discussion and presentation will be held in Georgian with simultaneous translation in English.


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