Posts From Manana Tatishvili

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Signing of Memorandum of Understanding between EWMI ACCESS and Information Center on NATO and EU

On January 20, 2017 EWMI ACCESS and Information Center on NATO and EU signed a memorandum of understanding. The memorandum envisions a more intensive cooperation for increasing public awareness about

Breaking News Upcoming Events

Selection of Participants for the Certified Training Program in Management of Non-profit Organizations – Round 3

EWMI ACCESS and the Center for Training and Consultancy (CTC) announce opening for the third round of the Certified Non-profit Management (NMP) Program. The program is designed for Tbilisi-based and


Assessment of the Labour Inspection Mechanism and Study of the Labour Rights Conditions in Georgia

Assessment of the mandate and activities of the labor inspection mechanism, labor relations and labor conditions in various sectors.  for persons employed in different sectors. Research was conducted by Human


Improving intercity transportation in Georgia becomes one of the key priorities for the Georgian government

EWMI ACCESS supports non-governmental organizations – Caucasus Research Resource Centers (CRRC) Georgia and the Partnership for Road Safety to implement a project aimed at increasing the safety of intercity transport

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Policy Forum – Anti-Western Disinformation in the Media: Possible Regulatory Solutions

Since the Russian Federation’s intervention in Ukraine in 2014, the public and political elite in Georgia, much like elsewhere in eastern and central Europe and even in the western nations,

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Capacity Development Assistance Program for Georgian CSOs has started!

In order to enhance effectiveness of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Georgia and help their transition into sustainable organizations, the EWMI ACCESS with its partner Center for Training and Consultancy


Greater CSO Transparency for Democratic Governance

Full transparency of Civil Society Organization (CSO) funding sources, budgets, projects, and missions – this is the answer from Georgian CSOs (both from Tbilisi and regions of Georgia) to frequently


Network of Centers for Civic Engagement (NCCE) is Moving Toward a Sustainable Future

Founded in 2011, the Centers for Civic Engagement (CCE) have operated in ten regional cities across Georgia to provide neutral and accessible space for democratic dialogue among citizens, civil society

Breaking News Upcoming Events

Citizen Outreach Grant (COG) Program

The East-West Management Institute (EWMI) Advancing CSO Capacities and Engaging Society for Sustainability (ACCESS) project invites Georgian Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), particularly those from the regions, to apply for Citizen


Supporting Greater Civic Engagement in Ozurgeti Municipality Through Streamlined Text Message Service

Public engagement has taken on a renewed priority in Georgia thanks to the activism and efforts of civil society. Civic engagement has been codified at the very heart of local