During July 6, 7, and 8, seven leading Georgian CSOs together with EWMI ACCESS will travel to the remote villages of Guria region to meet face-to-face with rural residents and hear firsthand about their issues and problems, as well as to talk about CSO activities and Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic integration. Meetings will be held in an informal setting – on the streets and backyards of local residents to facilitate open discussions. Representatives of International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED), Transparency International Georgia (TI-Georgia), Media Development Foundation (MDF), Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association (GYLA), Human Rights Education and Monitoring Center (EMC), EuGeorgiaInfo, Economic Policy and Research Center (EPRC) and EWMI ACCESS will participate in the meetings. The Guria-based CSOs will also join the tour.
Purpose of the meetings is to link CSOs and the communities at the grassroots level and find the ways how CSOs could contribute to solving community problems.