Global Compact Network Georgia (GCNG), with support from the USAID Civil Society Engagement Program, is actively working with various stakeholders (including businesses, the government, CSOs, and the media) to promote and support corporate responsibility, sustainable development goals, and responsible business practices in Georgia. Through trainings, individual consultations, and awareness-raising, GCNG helps each actor realize its role and responsibility. In addition, GCNG has encouraged cooperation and skills-sharing between the private and civil sector to make the activities of both parties more effective and sustainable. Several successful cooperations are already underway and have focused on topics like ensuring that businesses introduce gender equality principles in their daily practices, employment and protection of rights for people with disabilities, and abiding by road safety standards.
On July 2-3, GCNG held a workshop for media representatives on sustainability standards, key concepts of corporate responsibility, and the Georgian legislation in this regard. After the workshop, a media contest was announced that plans to award the best TV/Radio report and article focused on corporate responsibility.
Recently, GCNG also announced the CR Award which will be held for the fifth time this year. The contest aims to promote culture of corporate responsibility and engagement of the private sector in fulfilling the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals Agenda. The award is envisioned for companies operating in the Georgian market. The awards will be distributed in the following categories: quality education, decent work and economic growth, industry and innovation, responsible consumption and production, justice and strong Institutions, and partnerships for sustainable development.