Posts From Manana Tatishvili

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Assessment of the EU Integration Communication and Information Strategy and its Action Plan of the Government of Georgi

Assessment was conducted by Media Development Foudnation (MDF) with financial support from EWMI ACCESS. The complete reserach report is available here:  Research-Publication-ENG

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CSOs Assess Implementation of the Self-Government Reform

On June 16, several civil society organizations presented their assessment reports regarding Georgia’s self-government reform implementation and the efficacy of the ongoing decentralization process.  The purpose of the event was

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Request for Applications for Citizen Outreach Grant (COG) Program

The East-West Management Institute (EWMI) Advancing CSO Capacities and Engaging Society for Sustainability (ACCESS) project invites Georgian Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), particularly those from the regions, to apply for Citizen

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State Preparedness to Natural and Man-made Disasters and Lessons Learned from the Tbilisi June 13 Tragedy

A year after the catastrophic flood of June 13th 2015, Tbilisi is still developing its disaster mitigation and response mechanisms. Currently efforts are underway to review existing legislation and its

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Public Discussion: State Preparedness to Natural and Man-made Disasters – What Has Changed after one Year since Tbilisi Tragedy”

On June 15, at 10:00 a.m. at the Radisson Blue Iveria Hotel, the East-West Management Institute (EWMI) within the ACCESS project will organize an open discussion on the state preparedness

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Presentation of the Research Findings on Media Independence and Transparency in Georgia

On June 14, at 11:00 a.m., at Tbilisi Marriott Hotel, the EWMI ACCESS grantees – Transparency International Georgia (TI-Georgia), Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association (GYLA) and Media Development Foundation (MDF) will

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Conference: “Urban Development Challenges of Tbilisi: Dialogue for Effective Policy-Making”

On May 20, the EWMI ACCESS organized a conference dedicated to Tbilisi urban development challenges. The purpose of the event was to support an open dialogue among various stakeholders (policy-makers,

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Civic Engagement Centers Transform into an Independent Network

On May 6, 2016 the USAID-funded Centers for Civic Engagement (CCE) were registered as an independent non-governmental organization “the Network of Centers for Civic Engagement (NCCE)”. Starting in 2011, USAID

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Evaluation of the Government’s Communication and Information Strategy on European Integration Issues

On May 27, EWMI ACCESS grantee – Media Development Foundation (MDF) will hold presentation of its final research report in frames of the project “Debunking Myths and Informing Public on


EPRC and IliaUni Transform the Stanford Leadership Program into the Lecture Series for the Georgian MPA Students

In April, 2016 the EWMI ACCESS grantee and partner for many years– Economic Policy Research Center (EPRC), in partnership with the Ilia State University, one of the leading universities in