For the past two years EWMI ACCESS has supported the Knowledge Café in carrying out a diverse fundraising campaign to collect money for construction of the Café’s own building. The Knowledge Café is an independent social venue in Tsnori (Sighnaghi municipality) bringing together people of all ages to obtain and/or share knowledge as well as get engaged in social activities. It also hosts a multi-media library and a bookshop.
There is simply no other space like it in the Sighnaghi municipality. Nonetheless, the Knowledge Café still operates in a rented space. Thanks to the citizens’ enthusiasm and donations, the founders of the Café have collected enough money to buy a plot of land. The fundraising campaign for the building construction halted for a while due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but thanks to EWMI ACCESS support it has now become more innovative and engaging.
On January 18, the Knowledge Café announced its registration on an online bootcamp for school students (12-18 years old). Interested youth had to submit ideas on how they would raise funds for the Café. The interest towards the bootcamp was quite astonishing – with 128 teams (623 teenagers) from 32 municipalities applying. In mid-February, the Knoweldege Café will select 10 teams out of this pool and train the interested youth in marketing, business and active citizenship. After the trainings, each team will also receive 100 GEL and start their campaign with the aim to double, triple or quadruple this amount. Each team will have mentors – successful startup entrepreneurs. Those who raise more funds will become the finalists, with multiple awards awaiting finalists and semi-finalists. TV reports, videos and other sharing material will be prepared on successful applicants and their campaigns.
Follow the Knowledge Café Facebook page to get more information on the campaign initiatives.