Policy Forums

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Through Policy Forum Series held in Tbilisi and regions of Georgia, ACCESS engages various stakeholders from national and local government, the CSO, donor community, academia, media, and the private sector in a series of round-table discussions that serve to identify or respond to key public policy issues that affect local and central governance. The policy forums are mainly focused on the themes covered by ACCESS-funded projects; however they may also reflect other local concerns and/or issues identified through public opinion surveys or other means.

Every year ACCESS plans to hold about 10 Policy Forums. By the end of 2015 ACCESS will have organized 13 Policy Fora, including 9 in the regions, engaging a wide range of stakeholders in contributing diverse perspectives to policy dialogue.

Information about regional Policy Forums on Myths & Realities of European Integration can be found at http://ewmi-activism.org/gallery/access-increases-awareness-on-the-benefits-of-georgias-european-integration/

Information about the Policy Forum on Labor Conditions and Safety can be found at http://ewmi-activism.org/policy-forum-on-labor-conditions-and-safety-in-georgia/

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