Overview – The Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence and Its Impact on Non-entrepreneurial (Non- commercial) Legal Entities and Media Organizations in Georgia

The Parliament of Georgia has adopted the Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence, and it was signed into law on June 3. The law requires non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) legal entities (NNLEs) and media organizations to register in a special registry of “implementing organizations of foreign power interests” that will be maintained by the Ministry of Justice. The law provides the Ministry of Justice with broad power to inspect the activities of NNLEs and media organizations to ensure compliance with the law.
In partnership with the USAID Civil Society Engagement Program, the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL) and the European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL) prepared an overview of the law, which explains the registration process and who is affected by this law as well as reporting obligations, the monitoring process, and related penalties.
The document aims to assist organizations in understanding the law’s provisions. Specific implementation details will be clarified in forthcoming regulations that will be issued by the Ministry of Justice within the next two months. The document is available in English at the following link – ICNL and ECNL Overview of Foreign Influence Transparency Law Implications for Non-profits and Media Organizations_ENG_May2024
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