Initiative Group “Winter Stock” to Combat the Pandemics

Initiative Group “Winter Stock” to Combat the Pandemics

As of June 1, the group “Winter Stock” launched an awareness-raising campaign to provide socially vulnerable groups with objective information about COVID-19 vaccines and help these people in registering for vaccination appointments.

The “Winter Stock” initiative was launched in November 2020 to help the socially vulnerable groups during the COVID-19 lockdown in Georgia. This included the families whose primary breadwinners lost jobs due to the pandemic, pensioners, internally displaced persons, single parents, persons with disabilities, and others. A group of activists set up a Facebook group to collect information about the families in need and began organizing resources and distributing aid packages to those in need. In less than seven months, the group reached out and provided assistance to more than 4,000 families in different ways.

The target group of this project are the beneficiaries of “Winter Stock” who do not have access to reliable and professional information on COVID-19 vaccines. In addition, the majority of the beneficiaries represent various risk groups.

During a 2-months period, the initiative group will organize online and face-to-face discussions between project beneficiaries and invited speakers – prominent doctors, clergymen, and representatives of academia, who will talk about the vaccines from medical, religious, and civic perspectives. Project beneficiaries will be able to get individual recommendations from frontline doctors. Attendees will also receive gift boxes – information materials about COVID-19 vaccines, food, and clothing.

On a separate Facebook page dedicated to this project, online discussions and various information materials can be found.

Categories: Breaking News, Highlights

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