CSR Week

During October 1-5, EWMI-ACCESS-supported Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Club organized a CSR Week in Tbilisi to promote CSR and strengthen partnerships between the private and civil society sectors. This year the Week focused on highlighting the problem of sexual harassment at the workplace, empowering people with disabilities (PwDs), empowering women, supporting responsible waste management, and promoting business’ participation in the sustainable development goals (SDG) realization.
Discussions featured representatives from business companies, parliament, executive government, civil society, and academia. In the meeting dedicated to the prevention of sexual harassment the Member of Parliament, Dimitri Tskitishvili briefed participants about the existing regulatory framework and parliament’s future plans to enhance it. Salome Zurabishvili, CiDA’s Executive Director spoke about CiDA’s ongoing and planned activities to help the CSR Club member businesses establish effective sexual harassment prevention policies.
As part of the discussions about the PwDs issues, CiDA’s Executive Director presented the key principles of and practical recommendations for empowering PwDs in the business sector. She also offered assistance to interested businesses in making their work environment more inclusive and accessible to PwDs. The businesses and CSOs who attended the meeting spoke about their own experiences in this field.
The meeting on effective waste management took place at the New Technology Center – the only energy-efficient building in Tbilisi. The invited representatives of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia informed meeting participants about the upcoming changes in the waste management policies in light of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement requirements.
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