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“Burden of the River” – Exhibition Reflecting Environmental Concerns of the Vere River

With support from the USAID Civil Society Engagement Program, art group Collective Failure held the exhibition “The Burden of the River” on November 16-19 to reflect environmental concerns around the Vere River.

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Supporting Cooperation Between Businesses and the Civic Sector

On November 29, Global Compact Network Georgia (GCNG), with support from the USAID Civil Society Engagement Program, organized its second annual Partnership Fair to foster cooperation between the private and civic sectors.  The event

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CSOs Successfully Advocate for Healthier Food in Georgia’s Schools

In Georgia’s education system, school nutrition poses a substantial challenge for both students and their families. The UNICEF Child Welfare Survey published in 2023 found that a mere 27% of


Analysis of the Law of Georgia “On Introducing Amendments to the Law of Georgia on Broadcasting”

On October 19, 2023, the Georgian Parliament adopted the Law of Georgia “On Introducing Amendments to the Law of Georgia ‘On Broadcasting’” rough an accelerated procedure. The Law expands the

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Advocating for a School Meals Program

According to existing research, free meals at school play an important role in children’s physical health and cognitive development. They can considerably increase students’ academic performance as they are able

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Promoting Corporate Responsibility in Georgia

Global Compact Network Georgia, with support from the USAID Civil Society Engagement Program, is actively working to promote and support corporate responsibility, increase the role of the private sector in

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CSOs and Civic Activists Meet Locals in Javakheti

To foster closer cooperation among civil society and residents from all over Georgia and ensure that the work it supports focuses on citizen-identified priorities, the USAID Civil Society Engagement Program

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Protecting Natural and Historical Monuments in the Truso Valley

თრუსოს ხეობას მდიდარი კულტურული და ისტორიული მემკვიდრეობა გააჩნია, რომელსაც  დაცვა სჭირდება. ხეობაში მიწის ყიდვასა და რეგისტრაციაზე 2020 წელს გაუქმებული მორატორიუმი საფრთხეს უქმნის უნიკალურ ბუნების და კულტურის ძეგლებს. ყაზბეგში დაფუძნებული არასამთავრობო

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Innovation and Challenge Grants Program – Frequently asked questions

See FAQ document on Innovation and Challenge Grants Program. The document in georgian is available here – ხშირად დასმული კითხვები – ინოვაციებისა და გამოწვევების საგრანტო პროგრამა – ოქტომბერი, 2023 Information

Breaking News Upcoming Events

Strategic Support and Policy Grants (SSPG) program

The USAID Civil Society Engagement Program invites Georgian civil society organizations (CSO) and CSO networks to submit grant applications to the Strategic Support and Policy Grants (SSPG) program. SSPG will support applications