Analysis of Problems in the Management of Batumi Urban Heritage

On April 18, CSO Batomi held a presentation and discussion on problems of the urban heritage management in Batumi. The study into problems was carried out with the support from EWMI ACCESS. The document reviews and evaluates a legislative framework of urban heritage management in Batumi, compliance of this framework with international doctrines and guidelines, effectiveness of the urban heritage management structures and other important issues. The author of the study is Nato Tsintsabadze, the President of ICOMOS Georgia.
The study revealed that the responsibility for the management and protection of cultural heritage monuments lies solely with the Cultural Heritage Preservation Agency of Adjara. Shortage of financial and human resources prevents the Agency from performing this function properly. As for the other councils and municipal services in the region, they are busy issuing permits alone. Urban heritage management system of Batumi clearly falls short of international principles and guidelines. Considering all the above, the authors of the study state that the unique cultural heritage of Batumi faces a real threat of damage and destruction.
The study contains recommendations to help decision makers draft a strategy for the development of this historic city in accordance with international standards.
Representatives of the Batumi municipality Sakrebulo (municipal council) and the City Hall attended the presentation. The Mayor of the City, Lasha Komakhidze expressed his readiness to closely cooperate with Batomi and work on the preparation of all documents that are necessary for the development of an effective urban management strategy.
The report of the study is available here.
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