Grants Contest for Regional NGOs – Citizen Outreach Grants (COG) Program

The East-West Management Institute (EWMI) Advancing CSO Capacities and Engaging Society for Sustainability (ACCESS) project invites Georgian Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), particularly those from the regions, to apply for Citizen Outreach Grants (COGs). The COG program will support projects that ensure increased, effective, and sustained citizen engagement with CSO activities in the regions of Georgia. COGs aim to bring CSOs and the constituents they serve closer together in addressing priority community issues.
Applicants can send clarification requests to Eka Imerlishvili at by December 14, 2015
Deadline for submitting project proposals is December 24, 2015.
RfA launch date | November 26, 2015 |
Open Door Day at the ACCESS Office and/or online | December 4, 2015 |
Deadline for submitting clarification requests to ACCESS | December 14, 2015 |
Date when ACCESS will issue final clarifications | December 18, 2015 |
Deadline for Submitting Proposals | 16:30, December 24, 2015 |
Evaluation of proposals | January 18, 2015 |
Grant award notification to successful applicants | January 25, 2015 |
Details of RfA and Application form can be found here. COG – ENG
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