Supporting Pediatric Patients and their Parents during the Pandemic

Supporting Pediatric Patients and their Parents during the Pandemic

In the wake of the pandemic, the I. Tsitsishvili pediatric hospital in Tbilisi became one of the country’s leading centers for COVID-19 treatment. Therefore, the hospital had to temporarily cease its services of psycho-social support. However, this type of support is precisely what COVID-19 patients and their families require to overcome the stress stemming from the diseases and treatment.

In order to fill this gap, EWMI ACCESS supported a team of experienced psychologists in delivering online therapy sessions to patients and their parents over the past four months. The team also developed info material, such as videos and coloring books, which explain treatment procedures, describe hospital facilities and equipment, and educate about coronavirus.

Aimed specifically at children, these materials prepare them for necessary treatment and help to relieve stress. The team will circulate the materials among other hospitals as well.

Categories: Breaking News

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